<curriculum vitae: portfolio>

Multimedia links to research, publications, creative works, and other professional activity by V.J. Manzo
View Brief Bio


PhD, MM, BA, and other education experiences


Current teaching at WPI and other teaching experiences

Publications & Presentations

Books, journal articles, conference & invited lectures, and other publications


Grants, sponsored projects, consulting, awards, and other projects

Music & Multimedia

Compositions, multimedia, and other creative works

Technology Development

Interactive music systems, algorithm libraries & SDKs, and other projects



Temple University
Ph.D. Music Education (2012)
Summa Cum Laude
Philadelphia, PA


New York University
M.M. Music Technology (2007)
Magna Cum Laude
New York, NY


Kean University
B.A. Music Education (2005)
Cum Laude
K-12 NJ State Teacher Certification
Union, NJ

Complementary Education


University of California Santa Cruz
Certificate in Algorithmic Composition (2008)
Santa Cruz, CA


Current Teaching


Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Humanities & Arts, Music Division, est. 1865
Associate Professor of Music Technology & Cognition (2018 - present)
Assistant Professor of Music Technology & Cognition (2012 - 2018) [tenured 2018]
Collaborative Faculty Appointment: Interactive Media and Game Design (2017 - present)

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Previous Teaching

University Teaching

Montclair State University, Cali School of Music, College of the Arts, est. 1908
Visiting Professor of Music Technology (2007 - 2012)

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Kean University, Conservatory of Music, College of Visual & Performing Arts, est. 1855

Adjunct Professor of Music (2007 - 2011)

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New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Department of Information Technology, College of Computing Sciences, est. 1881
Visiting Specialist - Music Technology (2011 - 2012)

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"My publications typically focus on the use of technology to facilitate musicianship as well as a range of topics including music theory, technology, and education; in particular, the notion of using technology to facilitate musicianship with non-musicians, and separating the cognitive functions of musicianship from the physical actions of performance."

Featured Publications


Manzo, V.J., Kuhn, W. (anticpated 2023). Interactive Composition, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Manzo, V.J. (2016). Max/MSP/Jitter for Music, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Bianchi, F., Manzo, V.J. (Eds.). (2016). Environmental Sound Artists. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Manzo, V.J. (2015). Foundations of Music Technology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Manzo, V.J., Kuhn, W. (2015). Interactive Composition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Manzo, V.J. (2011). Max/MSP/Jitter for Music. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Book Contributions

Williams, D. B., Webster, P. (2022). Experiencing Music Technology, 4th Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (Contributed an interviewed section on MIDI implementations)

Stevens, B. (2021). Teaching Electronic Music: Cultural, Creative, and Analytical Perspectives. London: Routledge Publishing. (Contributed chapter Algorithmic Composition: Implementations in Western Tonal Art Music, Video Games, and Other Music Technologies)
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Bell, A. (2020). The Music Production Cookbook. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (Contributed chapter on environmental sound art composition)
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Rothenberg, D. (2013). Bug music: How Insects Gave Us Rhythm and Noise. New York: St. Martin's Press. (Contributed insect gradual quantization attraction algorithm model)
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Miller, E. (2011). Bio-Guided Music Therapy: A practitioner's guide to the clinical integration of music and biofeedback. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 79 - 83 (Contributed chapter Personal experience at the juncture of music and physiology)
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Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals & Conference Proceedings

Manzo, V.J., McKenna, R., Halper, M. (2022). Teaching Signal Processing Design for Effect Pedals: Making Signal Processing Tangible. Journal of the Association for Technology in Music Instruction (JATMI): Vol. 3 : No. 1, Article 2.
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Manzo, V.J., Manzo, D. (2015). Interactive music systems within multimedia game development environments. Journal of Technology in Music Learning (JTML), 5(2).
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Manzo, V.J. (2014). Software-assisted harmonic function discrimination. Journal of Music, Technology & Education (JMTE), 7(1), 23 - 37.
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Manzo, V.J., Manzo, D. (2013). Game programming environments for musical interactions [revised]. Symposium, the Premier Journal of The College Music Society: Music Business and Industry, Volume 53.
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Manzo, V.J., Halper, M., Halper, M. R. (2011). Multimedia-Based Visual Programming Promoting Core Competencies in IT Education. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) / SIGITE National Conference Proceedings, pp. 203 - 208.
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Publications in Professional Periodicals

Manzo, V.J., Dammers, R., Lopresti, M. (2013). The New Jersey TI:ME tech expo. Tempo, Publication of the New Jersey Music Educators Association, Volume 68, Number 1, pp. 34 - 36.
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Manzo, V.J. (2012). Separating physical actions from cognition via technology-based instruments. Tempo, Publication of the New Jersey Music Educators Association, Volume 67, Number 1, pp. 34 - 36.
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Manzo, V.J. (2011). Software-assisted composition instruction for non-music students. [revised] Tempo, Publication of the New Jersey Music Educators Association, Volume 66, Number 1, pp. 24 - 27.
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Manzo, V.J. (2011). Software-assisted composition Instruction for non-music students. TI:ME, Publication of the Technology Institute for Music Education, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 3 - 9.
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Manzo, V.J. (2010). Let technology facilitate your objectives. TI:ME, Publication of the Technology Institute for Music Education, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 2 - 9.
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Manzo, V.J. (2008). EAMIR: an interactive music system for education. SoundWaves/SoundTree, [online article], pp. 1 - 4.
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Other Publications

Manzo, V.J. (2015). Foundations of Music Technology: Instructor manual. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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Manzo, V.J. (2012). The effects of polyphonic interactive music systems on determining harmonic functions. (Doctoral Dissertation) Temple University. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI, 2012. (Publication No. 11076.)
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Manzo, V.J. (2012). Polyphonic instrument background as bias in determining harmony aurally. (Independent Graduate Research) Temple University.
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Manzo, V.J. (2011). Confounding pitch-height in studies of tonal hierarchy. (Independent Graduate Research) Temple University.
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Manzo, V.J. (2010). Computer-aided Composition with High School Non-music Students. Read at College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference
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Manzo, V.J. (2007). Implementing modality in algorithmic composition. (Independent Graduate Research) New York University.
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Fiction & Other Creative Writing
Manzo, V.J. (2014). Before Heaven: RPG story and gameplay narrative. Published by Clear Blue Media and Knockout Media.
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Manzo, V.J. (2004). Before Heaven: a music fantasy novella. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Manzo, V.J. (2003). The Parallel: a short story and concept album. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Editorial Positions

2020 —
Oxford University Press est. 1958.
 ο Creator and Editor of new book series: Creating Technology for Music (2020 — )
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2012 - 2020
Symposium, the Journal of The College Music Society (CMS), est. 1958.
 ο Editor. Music business and industry (MBI). (2015 - 2020)
 ο Editorial board member. Music business and industry (MBI). (2012 - 2020)
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External Reviewer

Advanced Robotics, peer-reviewed journal of The University of Essex. Peer-reviewer for full paper: “Natural human-robot musical interaction: understanding the music conductor gestures by using the WB-4 inertial measurement system” Cosentino, S., Petersen, K., Lin, Z., Bartolomeo L., Sessa S., Zecca M., Takanishi, A.

Presentations & Lectures

"I have had the opportunity to present my ideas on a variety of topics in music, music technology, and composition at conferences, forums, and universities. I value the opportunity to interact with colleagues throughout the world as well as the new ideas and collaborative paths that sometimes form through these interactions."

Featured Presentations & Lectures

Conference Presentations

Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)” session presenter "Technology and Project-based Learning"

Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) Music Technology Leadership Academy (Virtual Symposium). Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)” session presenter "Technology and Project-based Learning"
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Session Co-lecturer with Ryan McKenna (WPI) and Matthew Halper (Kean University). "Teaching Signal Processing Design for Effect Pedals: Making Signal Processing Tangible"
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Session Co-lecturer with Matthew Halper (Kean University). "Sound-Sculpting the Electric Guitar: T4RS and Multi-amp Concepts"
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) Music Technology Leadership Academy (Virtual Symposium). Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)” session presenter "Technology and Project-based Learning"
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)” session presenter "Technology and Project-based Learning"
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Cycling 74's Max/MSP Expo 74 Conference. North Adams, MA Poster Session co-presented with my WPI Graduate Student Matt Pietrucha. “Sonify: an open-source multimedia platform for sonification of invisible data structures”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Pre-Conference. Presenter. "Accessible Tools for Developing Music-oriented Video Games"
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)” session presenter "Technology and Project-based Learning"
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. San Antonio, TX. Session Co-lecturer with Matthew Halper (Kean University) “The Camera Eye: Higher-Level Topics in Mainstage for Live Performance”.
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Ohio Music Educators Assoc. (OMEA) Regional Conference. Cleveland, OH. Session lecturer with Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA) on "Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology".
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Santa Fe, NM. Session Co-lecturer with Matthew Halper (Kean University) “Guitar Amplifier Modeling: Hardware vs. Software Technologies”, and Session Presider.
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, Academy Instructor and Presenter. “Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)”, and a panelist for the "Celebrating & Assessing Creativity" panel discussion.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Session Co-lecturer with Matthew Halper (Kean University) “Multi-controller Configurations for Live Performance using MainStage”, and session Co-lecturer Dan Manzo (WPI Graduate Student) “Using Game Development Engines to Create Interactive Music Learning Environments”, and Session Presider.
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, TX Co-presenter with Will Kuhn (Cincinnati Christian University) for session “Interactive Composition”, and Academy Instructor. “Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology (EMCT2)”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. St. Louis, MO. Session Co-lecturer with Dan Manzo (WPI Graduate Student) “Using Game Development Engines to Create Interactive Music Learning Environments” and Multiple-Session Presider.
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, TX (via University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand) Session Lecturer and Academy Instructor. “Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology (EMCT2)”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Cambridge, MA. Session Co-lecturer with Dan Manzo (NJIT Undergraduate Student) “Interactive Music Systems within Multimedia Gaming Environments” and Showcase Presenter “Adaptive Interface Environment Design for Musical Applications*”
*Co-presented with WPI Undergraduate Students: Paulo Carvalho (ME), Rayce Stipanovich (ME)
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American Music Therapy Association. Scranton, PA. Session Lecturer and Interactive Installation, and “Developing Interactive Music Systems for Composition and Performance with Special Needs Populations*”
*Co-presented with WPI undergraduate student Ryan McKenna (EE)
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). San Antonio, TX. Session Lecturer and Academy Instructor. “Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology (EMCT2)”.
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New Jersey Music Educators Assoc. (NJMEA) Conference. East Brunswick, NJ. Session Lecturer. “Establishing a music technology lab from start to finish”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. San Diego, CA. Multiple Session Lecturer. “The Effects of Polyphonic Interactive Music Systems on Determining Harmonic Functions” and “Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology”
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American Composer's Forum (ACF). Philadelphia, PA. Guest Lecturer. “Interactive music system development for composition”.
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National Association for Music Education (formerly MENC) 2012 Biennial Music Educators National Conference. St. Louis. MO Panel Discussion Member. “Informal music learning”.
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New Jersey Music Educators Assoc. (NJMEA) Conference. East Brunswick, NJ. Multiple Session Lecturer. “Music technology in the classroom” and “Interactive Music Technology Performance”.
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Technology Institute for Music Ed. (TI:ME) National Conference / Jazz Education Network (JEN). Louisville, KY. Session Lecturer & Co-Director NAMM Research Grant Leadership Academy. “Creating interactive music systems for composition, performance, and improvisation through Max/MSP/Jitter” and “Technology for Music Educators”.
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Bergen Country College Information Technology Conference. Paramus, NJ. Session Lecturer. “Multimedia-Based Visual Programming Promoting Core Competencies in IT Education”.
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National Student Electronic Music Event (NSEME) / Peabody Institute. Baltimore, MD. Composition Performance. “Nil for guitar and interactive music system”.
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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) / SIGITE National Conference. West Point, NY. Session co-lecturer with Dr. Michael Halper, New Jersey Institute of Technology. “Multimedia-Based Visual Programming Promoting Core Competencies in IT Education”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Richmond, VA. Multiple Session Lecturer. “Interactive Music Technology Curriculum Project” and “Creating interactive music systems for composition, performance, and education through Max/MSP/Jitter”.
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Cycling 74's Max/MSP Expo 74 Conference. New York, NY
Poster Session. “Max/MSP/Jitter for Music: interactive music systems for composition, performance, education, research, and more”.
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American String Teachers Association (ASTA) Chamber Music Institute (CMI). Union, NJ. Instructor/Session Lecturer. “Interactive music technology”.
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New Jersey Music Educators Association (NJMEA) Conference. East Brunswick, NJ. Multiple Session Lecturer. “Interactive Music Technology Curriculum Project” and “Technology for music cognition”.
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) National Conference / Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA). Cincinnati, OH. Session Lecturer. “Interactive Music Technology Curriculum Project (IMTCP)”.
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Vermont Music Educators Association (VMEA) Music & Technology Conference / Vermont MIDI Project. Vergennes, VT. Session Lecturer. “EAMIR: the electro-acoustic musically interactive room”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Session Lecturer & Hands-on Workshop Presentation. “Developing interactive music technology for composition, performance, and instruction”.
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American String Teachers Association (ASTA) Chamber Music Institute (CMI). Union, NJ. Instructor/Session Lecturer. “Interactive technology for performance”.
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International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Music & Tech Special Interest Group (SIGMT). Denver, CO. Keynote Lecture
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Society for Electro-acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) National Conference. St. Cloud, MN. Composition & Performance. “EAMIR: an interactive music system for education”.
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Technology Institute for Music Ed. (TI:ME) National Conference / NJMEA. East Brunswick, NJ. Session Lecturer & Hands-on Workshop Presentation. “Interactive music systems for education, therapy, and disabled populations”.
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Collegiate Music Educators National Conference State Conference. Montclair, NJ. Session Lecturer. “Interactive music technology for education, therapy, and research”.
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Technology Institute for Music Ed. (TI:ME) Central Regional Conference / Ohio Music Ed. Assoc. (OMEA) . Cincinnati, OH. Keynote Lecture. “Emerging interactive technology for music composition, performance, and education”.
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College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Portland, OR. Session Lecturer & Technology Showcase Participant Recipient: 2009 Best Student Presentation Award. “EAMIR: the electro-acoustic musically interactive room”.
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Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) / NJMEA Conference. East Brunswick, NJ. Multiple Session Lecturer. “Implementing music technology in the classroom”.
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American String Teachers Association (ASTA) Chamber Music Institute (CMI). Union, NJ. Instructor/Session Lecturer. “Interactive music technology performance systems”.
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Cycling 74's Max/MSP Expo 74 Conference. San Francisco, CA. Poster Session. “The modal object library: algorithms for implementing modality, diatonicism, and harmony in electronic music composition”.
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New Jersey Music Educators Assoc. (NJMEA) Conference. East Brunswick, NJ. Multiple Session Lecturer. “Interactive music technology systems in the K-12 general music classroom”.
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Technology Institute for Music Ed. (TI:ME) National Conference / TMEA. San Antonio, TX. Session Lecturer. “EAMIR: an open-source interactive music system project for accessible composition and performance”.
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American String Teachers Association (ASTA) Chamber Music Institute (CMI). Union, NJ. Session Lecturer. “Interactive music systems for composition, performance, and more”.
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Invited Guest Lectures

Western University, Ontario, CA. Guest lecture with Bill Bauer, David B. Williams, and Rick Dammers. (Host: Dr. Ruth Wright). "Tech-based Music Instruction and the Music Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA)".

Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA. Guest lecture in algorithmic and electronic music composition and new media. (Host: Dr. Kendall Martin). "Interactive Music Systems".

Whitworth University, Spokane, WA. Multiple lectures in composition and music technology. (Host: Dr. Brent Edstrom). “Interactive Composition” and "Interactive Music Systems".
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Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. Multiple lectures in music technology "Pop Talks" series and music education. (Host: Dr. Radio Cremata). “Interactive music systems for education”.
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Montclair State University. Montclair, NJ. Guest Lecturer. (Host: Dr. Adam Bell). “Programing interactive music systems”.
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Kean University. Union, NJ. Guest lectures in music theory and music technology (Host: Dr. Matthew Halper).

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Herb Alpert School of Music. Los Angeles, CA. Guest Lecturer. (Hosts: Dr. Lily Chen-Hafteck & Dr. Frank Heuser). “Interactive music for education”.
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University of Northern Colorado (UNC). Greeley, CO. Guest Lecturer & Composition Master Class. (Host: Dr. Socrates Garcia). “Interactive music composition”.
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New York University (NYU). New York, NY. Guest Lecturer. Seminar in Music Education (Host: Dr. Alex Ruthman). “Interactive technology for music learning”.

Kean University. Union, NJ. Guest Lecturer. Seminar in Music Technology (Host: Dr. Matthew Halper). “Foundations of music technology”.

New York University (NYU). New York, NY. Guest Lecturer. Seminar in Music Education (Host: Dr. David Elliott). “Implementing interactive music systems in a pedagogical context”.
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New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Newark, NJ. Guest Lecturer. College of Computer Science & Dept. of Information Technology. (Host: Dr. Michael Halper). “Interactive media programming and development”.
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Rowan University. Glassboro, NJ. Guest Lecturer. Music Education National Conference Lecture (Host: Dr. Rick Dammers).“Creating immersive environments for musical expression through technology”.
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Stockton College. Pomona, NJ. Guest Lecturer. Physics Dept. Natural Sciences & Mathematics (Host: Dr. Neil Aaronson). “Emerging audio technology for musical creation”.
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New York University (NYU). New York, NY. Guest Lecturer. Graduate Seminar in Music Education (Host: Dr. David Elliott). “Interactive music systems for education, composition, performance, and research”.
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Other Lectures & Presentations

Shim, J., and Manzo, V.J. (2020; filmed 2019). Documentary: “Op. Cope: An Algorithmic Opera”. Balladic Films documentary on the life of renowned algorithmic composer David Cope.
http://www.jae-shim.com | V.J.'s' Video Excerpt

Manzo, V.J., Ottmar, E., Timko, M. “What’s This? Just Listen! Using Sonification to Reveal Hidden Scientific Structure. National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM for All Video Showcase: Research and Design for Impact. http://stemforall2017.videohall.com . N.p., 2017. Web. 29 April. 2017.
View Video | View Showcase Presentation

Grosse, Darwin, and V.J. Manzo. 'Art + Music + Technology: Podcast 106: V.J. Manzo'. http://artmusictech.libsyn.com/. N.p., 2015. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
Listen to Podcast | Mirror Link

See also Other Lectures & Presentations in Service section


"My research is primarily focused on the exploration and development of technological processes that facilitate musicianship. This is evidenced in part through the creation of new innovations that support music composition, performance, and education. My interest in technology-based music systems that has led me to create interactive music software applications and games, multimedia programming development kits, open-source projects, research and education tools, and other technologies that have been released publicly, including commercial distribution and patents applied for based on novel intellectual property. I'm the founding director and PI of two research labs in these areas: the Interactive Music Systems Lab (IMSLab) and the Electric Guitar Innovation Lab (EGIL) both of which are collectively known as the RATLab . Through these labs, our team of researchers, musicians, and students (Lab RATs and ARAs) develop and implement new technologies and approaches to facilitate music composition, performance, and education with both musicians and non-musicians. Specifically, this is accomplished through the creation of technology-based instruments, electronics, composition algorithms, interactive systems, research experiments, and proofs-of-concept.


Featured Research Projects

Grants, Sponsored Research, and Fellowships Awarded

"The awards listed below indicate funds received to support my research efforts from foundations and grant organizations as well as sponsors from industry and other professionals (support amounts and additional donor support disclosed in full CV or upon request). As indicated, such funds have, in many cases, supported undergraduate and graduate student involvement. "

2021 - 2022
The Les Paul Foundation (PI) grant sponsored for Les Paul: Experiencing Innovative Music Technology research project involving innovation in electric guitar.
*Prototypes developed with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.
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Women’s Impact Network (WIN) for proposal Lecture Series Highlighting Women Developing Guitar Technologies. (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in innovation in guitar performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student.
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Steven Holec: Open-access Digital Guitar Pedal Development (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in innovation in guitar performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate students Imogen Barnes (ECE) and Allison Rozear (RBE).
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NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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2020 - 2021
The Les Paul Foundation (PI) grant sponsored for Les Paul: Experiencing Innovative Music Technology research project involving innovation in electric guitar.
*Prototypes developed with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.
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Michael Eisenstein: Innovations in Guitar Effect Technology.
*Research explored with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.

2020 - 2021
Dave Santospago: Innovations in Adaptive Musical Instrument Controllers.
*Research explored with WPI undergraduate students in ISPs and HU3910 course.

2020 - 2021
Wendy Case: Music Visualization in Instruction.
*Research explored with WPI undergraduate students in IQPs and HU3910 course.

2019 - 2020
The Les Paul Foundation (PI) grant sponsored for Les Paul: Experiencing Innovative Music Technology research project involving innovation in electric guitar.
*Prototypes developed with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.
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Ken Parker Archtops: Hydraulics and hydraulic press technology in guitar top manufacturing.
*Research explored with WPI undergraduate students in voluntary capacity.

Steven Holec: Conductive Materials in Electric Guitar Circuits (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in innovation in guitar performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Zach Vaughn (ECE).

Ned Steinberger (NS Design) (PI) corporate sponsored research project: Cam-controlled Vibrato System Analysis through Simulation.
*Modeling and simulation developed with WPI graduate student Tommy Maloney (ME).

NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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Steven Holec: Conductive Materials in Electric Guitar Circuits (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in innovation in guitar performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Zach Vaughn (ECE).

Ken Parker Archtops: Guitar Top Pinch-mold Design and Fabrication (PI) corporate sponsored research project adapting an existing guitar top tool design for new implication.
*Model and tool developed with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.

Steven Holec: Wearable Computing - Musical MIDI Shoes (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in wearable musical instruments for performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate students Cem Alemdar (CS), Alp Piskin (IMGD), and Diana Kumykova (BME).

Ken Parker Archtops: Guitar Bridge Pinch-mold Design and Fabrication (PI) corporate sponsored research project adapting an existing bridge tool for new implication.
*Model developed with WPI undergraduate student Dante Mauriello (ME).

Ken Parker Archtops: Coin Press Development (PI, co-faculty Prof. Rosenstock, IMGD Art) corporate sponsored research project exploring early coin manufacturing processes toward modern implementation.
*Tool developed with WPI undergraduate student Marek Travnikar (ME).

Steven Holec: Tape Simulation in Digital Audio Systems (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in simulation of analog tape characteristics.
*Prototype developed with WPI graduate student Matt Pietrucha (IMGD).

2018 - 2019
Ken Parker Archtops: Instrument Case Reinforcement (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in guitar case adaptation for increased protection.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Brent Reissman (ME).

Incredible Steps Film and Music Productions (PI) corporate sponsored paid student internship toward the production of an animated short film.
*Production designed with WPI undergraduate student Marcus Lundgren (ME), Summer, 2018.

National Science Foundation (NSF) WPI I-Corp Grant Sub Awardee (PI) sponsored research in multichannel electric guitar production and engineering applications.

NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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2018 - 2019
Dorinne Davis LLC: Audio Research Instrument Design (PI) corporate sponsored ISP for audio and conduction research instrument analysis and fabrication.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate students in HU3910 course.

Steven Holec: Geolocated Crowdsourced Awareness Project Extension (PI) corporate sponsored ISP with research in crowd-sourced non-verbal communication and mobile technology.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Ankit Kumar (CS).
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WPI Tech Advisors Network Ignite Award (PI) sponsored research and development grant for multichanel audio jack technology.

WPI Teaching Innovation Grant (Co-PI) sponsored research grant “Music Technology Innovation Studio” Innovation and Entrepreneurship course redesign. (Co-PI Frank Hoy, PhD (School of Business, WPI)

Steven Holec: Heartrate Monitor Music corporate sponsored ISP with research in heart-rate monitors to control algorithmic composition processes for live performance.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Jacob Friese (ECE) and WPI graduate student Matt Pietrucha (IMGD).

Steven Holec: Geolocated Crowdsourced Awareness corporate sponsored ISP with research in crowd-sourced non-verbal communication and mobile technology.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Ankit Kumar (CS).
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NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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WPI Educational Development Grant sponsored research grant in the development of toolkits to support the creation of music educational video games.
*Project developed with WPI undergraduate students Drew Tisdale (IMGD) and Alexa Perusic (CS).
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NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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2014 - 2015
Kirby Foundation sponsored research grant in responsive interactive web applications for social music interactions.
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate students Zhaokun Xue (CS) and Shawn Yoon (CS).
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Kirby Foundation corporate sponsored ISP with research in social networking, marketing and the issues of distribution in the music industry.
*Developed with WPI undergraduate students Takayoshi Tsutsui (ME), David Scott (BUS), and Collin Glynn (ME).

Music Matters corporate sponsored ISP with research in web development for dissemination of the documentary Music Matters and related content. New York
*Developed with WPI undergraduate student Cassandra Hamilin (CS).
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2014 - 2015
Coleman Foundation Fellow 2014 - 2015 CFC (Coleman Fellows Collaborative) and to the I&EFAC (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Faculty Advisory Council) for non-business faculty infuse entrepreneurship education into an existing course. Summit conference participant August, 2014.
View Fellowship Website | View Press Release

WPI Educational Development Grant in collaboration with Michael Timko, PhD (Chemical Engineering, WPI) in support of strategizing and developing the Reactor Music Project: Teaching Bioreactor Concepts Through Music.

NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Bauer, W., Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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The Davis Center Sponsorship corporate sponsored research in sound-based therapy for learning development. Fabricating Ear Microphones for Acoustical Analysis
*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate student Ethan Berrieau (ME).
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2012 - 2013
Meyerson Foundation Grant in support of a project to develop EAMIR Note, a mobile interactive application and curriculum for autistic populations and curriculum. Grant awarded to Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
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*Prototype developed with WPI undergraduate students Paulo Carvalho (ME), Rayce Stipanovich (ME) and presented at CMS/ATMI Conference 2013.

2012 - 2013
WPI Teaching Innovation Grant in support of a project to develop software applications to aid in the instruction of the course Computer Techniques in Music.

NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the Engaging Music Creativity Through Technology (EMCT2) Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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NAMM Research/Program Grant in support of the TI:ME Leadership Academy. Grant awarded to Technology Institute for Music Education (Dammers, R., Manzo, V.J., Williams, D.).
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Association Computing Machinery (ACM) Travel Grant in support of the paper Multimedia-Based Visual Programming Promoting Core Competencies in IT Education presented at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) / SIGITE National Conference.

Boyer College of Music Travel Grant (Temple University) in support of presentation at Technology Institute for Music Ed. (TI:ME) National Conference / Jazz Education Network (JEN).

NAMM Research Grant in support of the TI:ME Action Research project and the Automata software.
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Additional Research Projects and Patents

"These projects represent ongoing initiatives and, in many cases, collaborations with key individuals in the professional community. Many of the projects are not supported through typical funding organizations and are sustained, instead, by volunteerism or, if noted, special gifts including in-kind donations. "

2022 —
Fretology (PI) - a musical instrument analysis and preservation effort developed and maintained by the Electric Guitar Innovation Lab (EGIL) of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).
*Developed in part with WPI undergraduate students in ISPs and HU3910
View Project Website

2018 —
Fly Clone (PI) - a research endeavor intended to authentically maintain, recreate, and adapt parts used on original and early Parker Fly guitars, which are now out of production.
*Developed in part with WPI undergraduate students in ISPs and HU3910
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2018 —
The Electric Guitar Innovation Lab (EGIL) at WPI (Founding PI) – this lab explores opportunities for research innovation related to the electric guitar and the various components associated with the electric guitar.
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2017 —
T4RS Multichannel Electric Guitar Jack (PI) – multichannel guitar replacement part enabling discrete pickup signal outputs through a custom-designed instrument output jack, cable, and breakout box.
*Provisional patent filed through WPI Technology Transfer office (Todd Keiller) in August 2017.
*Patent issued August 2019 [16,116/176]; Provisional patent filed with WPI Technology Transfer office (Todd Keiller) in August 2017; Full patent applied for August 2018.
Prototype developed with WPI alumnus Ryan McKenna (class of 2016), co-inventor listed on patent.
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2017 —
IMAGS (co-PI) – the Music-induced Analgesia Genome Study (IMAGS) is a research effort focused on addressing chronic pain through music. Cross-institutional collaborative project with Hunt, A. (Co-PI Rowan University School of Music), Baily, J. (Co-PI Rowan University School of Medicine), Dammers, R. (Co-PI Rowan University Dean College of the Arts)
*Developed in part with WPI undergraduate students in MQPs
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2016 —
What’s This? Just Listen!* (PI) – sonification of chemical engineering data into tonal musical compositions. Collaborative project with Timko, M. (Co-PI) (Chemical Engineering, WPI), Ottmar, E. (Co-PI) (Learning Sciences, WPI).
*Advised and mentored IMGD graduate student Matt Pietrucha (2017 - present)
Video Overview | Sonification System Video Demo

2015 —
Tritonet (co-PI) - a musical calculator that converts user input to a musical output, monophonic or polyphonically. Collaborative project with Prof. Tolga Özdemirof Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Music.
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2015 - 2016
Kern Foundation KEEN Faculty Member for infusing entrepreneur-minded learning (EML) concepts into an existing course (HU 3910). Glenn Gaudette, PhD (Biomedical Engineering, WPI). KEEN conference participant August, 2015.
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2013 - 2015
National Science Foundation (NSF) Bridge Broader Impacts: Using Music to Teach Chemistry collaborative support for principal investigator Dr. Michael Timko, PhD (Chemical Engineering, WPI). Sonification of chemical information into musical material.

2014 - 2015
Art of Science Learning (NSF) Worcester Incubator. Team mentor for arts-based learning approach to addressed transportation issues in Worcester and the United States.

2015 —
Max Objects Database* (PI) - a database for third-party objects used in music programming through Max/MSP/Jitter. Initially developed in 2003 by Matthieu Chamagne and Le Quan Ninh, the project was given to the PI as part of EAMIR and ported to a new server in 2015.
*Maintained and developed with undergraduate students in Practicum HU 3910
View Project Website | Video Overview Post-port

2012 - 2013
Music Composition System for Deaf Populations* (co-PI) - software development, curriculum development, and research experiment in collaboration with Dr. Lyn Schraer-Joiner (Kean University) and Dr. Della Thomas (Delaware School for the Deaf)
*Prototype developed with undergraduate student Collin Glynnn (ME)

2012 —
Music Education Games* (PI) - music pedagogy concepts embodied into immersive and engaging video games and other informal learning environments. Software and other games reflect research in informal learning methods, and are published through Clear Blue Media, LLC.
*Projects developed with undergraduate students in Practicum HU 3910, ISPs, and IQPs
View Project Website

2012 —
The Interactive Music Systems Lab (IMSLab) at WPI (Founding PI) – this lab explores opportunities for research innovation at the convergence of music composition, performance, education, and technology.
View Project Website

Interactive Music Technology Curriculum Project (IMTCP) (co-PI) - informal music learning experiments with non-music students through interactive systems in informal environments in collaboration with Dr. Rick Dammers (Rowa University). Software development, curriculum development, and experimental research study.
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2009 — 2014
Otoacoustic Emissions (co-PI) - a research and sound-based therapy system developed with Dorinne Davis and the Davis Center for Sound Therapy. Hardware/software system performs analysis and filtering.
View Project Website

2007 —
EAMIR (Educational Association for Music Interaction Research* (PI & Director/Founder) - is a 501c3 non-profit organization and open-source project that supports composition, performance, education, and research through accessible technology-based musical instruments.
View Project Website
*Project developed with undergraduate students in Practicum HU 3910, ISPs, and IQPs

2006 —
Modal Object Library (PI)- a collection of open-source algorithms to control and define modality, harmony, and diatonicism in algorithmic computer music ported for use in Lisp (CLISP, Open Music, Common Music), Pure Data, and Max/MSP/Jitter.
View Project Website

2005 - 2007
Cliché Progressions (PI) - an open-source online database cataloging common chord progressions used in popular music. Database library consists of numerous songs categorized by progression.
View Project Website

Consulting and Entrepreneurship

"I have been hired as a consultant for a variety of projects including specialized music construction infrastructure, music technology lab and studio development, music software development, and projects requiring expert knowledge in specific areas of music research. As shown below, I try to involve students in these projects as much as possible. In addition to my work as an individual consultant, I have explored entrepreneurship in several capacities, which includes being the founder of a boutique multimedia design and production company, Clear Blue Media , and a non-profit music charity, EAMIR . "

Rutgers University*, Mason Gross School of the Arts, est. 1766
Music technology consultant for the A/V implementation, and design of the Mason Gross School of the Arts' building project* (2012 - 2013)

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Oxford University Press, est. 1586
Publication and manuscript reviewer (2010 - present)

Routledge Press, est. 1836
Publication and manuscript reviewer (2020 - present)

My Music Machines, Inc., Schenectady, NY, est. 2008
Software and technical designer (2009 - 2010)

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The Davis Center for Sound Therapy, Inc., Succasunna, NJ
Software and technical designer (2009 - 2014)

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Montclair State University, Cali School of Music College of the Arts, est. 1908
Consultant for the A/V construction, implementation, and design of the Cali School of Music's building project/renovation of Chapin Hall (2008 - 2009)

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EAMIR, non-profit music technology charity, est. 2007
Founder, director, and developer (2007 - present)

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Clear Blue Media, LLC - multimedia creation est. 2006
Founder, director, and engineer (2006 - present)

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Fuse Audio, LLC, - audio electronics innovations est. 2018
Co-founder, co-director (2006 - present)

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Receipient: Faculty Achievment Award (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Receipient: Faculty Achievment Award (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Nominated: Distinguished Young Alumnus Award (New York University Alumni Association)

Nominated: Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Education (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Nominated: Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Education (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Recipient: Distinguished Alumni Award (Kean University Alumni Association)

Recipient: Who's Who Award (Temple University)

Recipient: Who's Who Award (Temple University)

Recipient: Best Student Presentation Award (College Music Society National Conference / Association for Technology in Music Instruction)

Recipient: Who's Who Award (Kean University)

Recipient: Outstanding Student Teacher Award (Kean University)

Music and Multimedia

"Creative works such as compositions, interactive media installations, and other musical works are recognized as another type of publication within the music profession. In tandem with written publications, these works substantiate the pedagogical and philosophical concepts described in theory; exemplifying ways of conquering specific issues related to composition such as, for example, harmonic development, accessibility or other idioms of the performance instruments themselves, or simply addressing issues of acoustical balance in ensembles of varying instrumentations. These works, the scores, audio recordings, the systems and source code, and, in most cases, performance videos are available within my portfolio. In addition to distributing these works through their respective publishers and a variety of digital music portals, my compositions have been performed by professional musicians worldwide in recital halls, theater productions, interactive installations, and more as indicated below."
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Featured Compositions

Chamber & Solo Instrumental Compositions

Composer — "I’ve composed these works to be performed by traditional acoustic instrument performers and chamber music ensembles. "
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Disengage for string quartet. Premiered at Whitworth University, Spokane, WA.
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Last Page [revised] solo classical guitar. Featured on the 2015 Gravity – music for acoustic instruments.
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Gravity for string quartet. Featured on the album Gravity – music for acoustic instruments.
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Granitic Plots for classical guitar & viola. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ. Featured on the album Gravity – music for acoustic instruments
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Three Inventions for piano.
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Last Page for solo classical guitar.
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Sonatine for classical guitar and double bass (three movements).
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Diminutives: three duets for classical guitar & viola.

Diminutives: three movements for solo classical guitar.

Electro-acoustic Interactive Compositions

Composer and software system programmer — "These are compositions in which human performers interact with real-time computers; both the traditional performer and the computer contribute something purposeful and carefully planned to the overall musical output that the other can't. In this capacity, I am the composer of the notated musical scores for human performers and the software system programmer¬ for the interactive components. "
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Delayed to Rest for guitar & interactive music system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ Ars Vitalis: The New Jersey New Music Forum.
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nil for guitar & interactive music system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Peabody Institute, Baltimore, MD.
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stitching for cello, Eb clarinet & electronics (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered w/choreographed dance at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
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discourse for Eb clarinet & interactive music system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
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squares for interactive music/live image processing system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
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optical string for guitar & interactive music system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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monochrome for interactive music system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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Algorithmic Compositions

Composer and software system programmer — "These compositions are experiments in computer-realized musical intelligence; specifically, data-driven algorithmic composition techniques and logic and rule-based approaches. The compositions, once realized by the software system, are then, typically, performed by traditional acoustic instrumentalists or by the computers themselves. In this capacity, I am the composer of both the musical algorithms as well as the software system programmer of the algorithms. "
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Diatonic Complementation - fuzzy logic diatonic harmonization. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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the Capsule - speech-based algorithmic process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered w/choreographed dance at Dance New Amsterdam, New York, NY
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What's Missing for two pianos. Algorithmically generated from diatonic complementation algorithm
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Ranges - generative rule-based algorithmic process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
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emoet: every mode of every tonic - rule-based algorithmic composition process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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Ravelian Fuse - Ravel-influenced rule-based algorithmic composition process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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Modal Change - modulatory rule-based algorithmic composition process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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evolutio - rule-based algorithmic composition process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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Invention 16 - Bach invention data-driven algorithmic composition process. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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Multimedia Interactive Installation Works

Composer and software system programmer — "These works are interactive musical installations in which individuals without musicianship skills are able to engage with technology-based systems to create original musical works in novel ways. In this capacity, I am the composer of the overall musical processes permitted by the system, and the software system programmer. "
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EAMIR - real-time composition/performance installation using multiple touch sensors (commissioned by American Music Therapy Association) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at American Music Therapy Association Regional Conference, Scranton, PA
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Lapp - real-time composition/performance system made from Lapp industrial electric cables (commissioned by Lapp Group) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Lapp Group event, Florham Park, NJ
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dgt - real-time speech/FFT-based composition and performance system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at Society for Electro-acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) National Conference, St. Cloud, MN
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Automata -cellphone/text-message-based composition/performance system (part of TI:ME research grant project co-developed with D. Manzo) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Premiered at College Music Society (CMS) / Assoc. for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) National Conference. Portland, OR
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Compositions for Theatre & Film

Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and recording engineer — "I am the composer and lyricist of these compositions for dramatic works. In most cases, after composing the music, I perform or realize these works in my own recording studio. The resulting recordings are then either used in the performance or used as a reference for live performance by an ensemble. In these works, the compositions are used as a non-diagetic score for the overall production, or, as is the case with musicals, the music is an integral diagetic part of the performance. "
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Bezos. Film directed by Khoa Le. Classical guitar performance; Colin Bell score.
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Stammer. Film directed by G. Wilson. Composer, producer, and engineer.
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Counting On My Fingers. Film directed by C. George. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer.
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The Pillowman. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ
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Yet We Go On. One-scene play written/directed by G. Wilson. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at COHIC, Kearny, NJ
Audio Excerpt | Audio Excerpt 2

It Began With a Dream. Play written/directed by S. Halmi. Composer, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ
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J. Play written/directed by G. Wilson. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at COHIC, Kearny, NJ
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Othello. Play directed by T. Choate. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ
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Sleeping Beauty. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ
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Our Man in Chocolate. Play written/directed by F. Verderame. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Manhattan Theatre Source, New York, NY
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Hamlet. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at Kean University, Union, NJ
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Reflection. Play written/directed by G. Wilson. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Premiered at COHIC, Kearny, NJ
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Compositions for Fixed Multimedia & Games

Composer, performer, producer, and recording engineer — "I am the composer, performer, producer, and recording engineer of music compositions and sound design for these independent video games and multimedia environments. In most cases, after composition, these works are realized and recorded in my own studio, and delivered to the production team to be used in the final production or release. "
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Hidden Music Symbols. Music education music symbol identifiation game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Score composer and creator. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Full Scale Attack. 3D music education space-shooter game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Score composer and co-creator. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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The Serpent. 3D decision-based game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Score composer. Published by Knockout Media.
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Octoplay. 3D music education pitch-matching memory game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile) Score composer and co-creator. Published by Clear Blue Media and Knockout Media.
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2015 —
Sugarpucks: Hide and Squeak. 3D music education listening aural skills game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile) Score composer and creator. Published by Clear Blue Media and Knockout Media.
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2013 —
Before Heaven. Interactive music education game (Macintosh and Windows) score and activity composer, and sound designer. Score composer and co-creator. Published by Knockout Media and Clear Blue Media.
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Zombie Island. FPS 3D adventure game (Macintosh and Windows) Score composer. Published by Knockout Media.
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Hotel Oasis. 2D web-based video game. Score composer. Published by Knockout Media.
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Discography of Recorded Works

Composer, performer, producer, and recording engineer — "In addition to disseminating my music through live performance and mixed media, these audio recordings are distributed through the respective publishers as indicated and available through iTunes and other established digital music portals. As noted, I am represented in one or more capacities as a composer, performer, lyricist, interactive software/system developer, multimedia designer, producer, and recording engineer. "
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Different Bach - a collection of works composed by J.S. Bach arranged and performed on solo electric guitar by V.J. Manzo. Arranger, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media and released with audio stems available under a Creative Commons license.
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Delayed to Rest - compositions in which live instruments interact with real-time computer systems. Composer, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Gravity - compositions for acoustic instruments including string quartet, guitar, and viola. Composer, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Knowing You. Extended play studio album performed by Fatal Fire. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Paths: Vol. 3 . Extended play studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Paths: Vol. 2 . Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Paths: Vol. 1. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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The Night Made Ill. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Live from Cryptic Bay. Full-length live album performed by Cryptic Bay. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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V-Sides. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Now Hear This. Independent Music Awards Compilation featuring single “Only By Grace” performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Musician's Atlas.
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Afterglow. Full-length studio album performed Tone Poem. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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The Ill-made Night. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and co-engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Reflection. Full-length studio album for the theatre soundtrack. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Christmas. Full-length studio album performed by COHIC. Performer, producer, and engineer.
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Still In Love With You. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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The Parallel: a concept album. Full-length studio album performed by V.J. Manzo. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Titles. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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Remnant. Extended play album by Remnant. Performer, producer, and engineer.
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Clear Blue. Full-length studio album performed by Clear Blue. Composer, lyricist, performer, producer, and engineer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
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How Beautiful. Full-length studio album performed by KCCC. Performer, producer, and engineer.
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Christmas. Full-length studio album performed by KCCC. Performer, producer, and engineer.
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Songs to Sleep By: Instrumental Solo Guitar. Full-length studio album performed by V.J. Manzo. Composer, performer, producer, and engineer.
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Select Performances of Composed Works

"The performances listed below represent some of the diversity of venues and contexts in which my music has been performed. This includes theatrical venues, concert halls, multimedia installation spaces, and small experimental performance spaces. "

discourse for Eb clarinet & interactive music system. Performed at UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Campinas, Brazil)

Lecture Recital: the music of V.J. Manzo. Multiple works for acoustic ensembles, electro-acoustic ensembles, and algorthmic compositions performed by and at Whitworth University School of Music (Spokane, WA).
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Sleeping Beauty. Play directed by E. Moran. Performed at International School of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland).

Delayed to Rest for guitar & interactive music system. Premiered April 2015 at Kean University (Union, NJ) and commissioned by Ars Vitalis: The New Jersey New Music Forum.
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discourse for Eb clarinet & interactive music system. Performed at Sonic Spaces (Holland, Netherlands)

nil for guitar & interactive music system. Performed at Clark University (Worcester, MA).
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EAMIR interactive music system installation Performed at the American Music Therapy Association Conference (Scranton, PA).
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nil for guitar & interactive music system. Performed at HiArt Gallery (New York, NY).
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the Capsule - speech-based algorithmic process. Premiered w/choreographed dance at Dance New Amsterdam (New York, NY).
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nil for guitar & interactive music system. Premiered at Peabody Institute (Baltimore, MD).
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stitching for cello, Eb clarinet & electronics. Premiered w/choreographed dance at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA).
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dgt - real-time speech/FFT-based composition and performance system. Premiered at Society for Electro-acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) National Conference (St. Cloud, MN).
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discourse for Eb clarinet & interactive music system. Premiered at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA).
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The Pillowman. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ).
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squares for interactive music/live image processing system. Premiered at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA).
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Granitic Plots for guitar & interactive music system. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ).
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It Began With a Dream. Play written/directed by S. Halmi. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ).
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Othello. Play directed by T. Choate. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ).
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Sleeping Beauty. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ).
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Our Man in Chocolate. Play directed by F. Verderame. Premiered at Manhattan Theatre Source (New York, NY).
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Hamlet. Play directed by E. Wiggins. Premiered at Kean University (Union, NJ.)
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Technology Development

"Just as musical works are recognized as another type of publication within the music profession, the technological components I've developed to facilitate these musical objectives are recognized within the field of music technology. These technological advancements, as described in my publications, provide the mechanism to realize music using new media. I am the primary developer and director for such technologies, which include integrated software/hardware systems, algorithm libraries, and development toolkits. Toolkits and systems developed for the EAMIR project are open-source and published at the charity's website eamir.org . The educational games I've developed reflect my research in informal music learning environments and are primarily published by my company, Clear Blue Media . Other systems and any associated compositions are available from their respective publishers, listed below. Additionally, if you are part of the WPI community, you can view the research and technology projects I am currently working on with WPI students here ."

Featured Technologies

Interactive Music & Multimedia Composition, Performance, and Instruction Systems

Creator and programmer

Timeliner* - a system for annotating musical form. (software developed for Mac and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by EAMIR.
*Developed with WPI graduate student Matt Pietrucha (IMGD)
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Sonify* - a system for converting abstract data points into music by plotting the data to a musical scale and then describing what's going on in the data to further refine the composition. (software developed for Mac and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by EAMIR.
*Developed with WPI graduate student Matt Pietrucha (IMGD)
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Loop Buddy* - a mobile rehearsal app for practicing musicians on the go. (software developed for iOS mobile platforms). Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
*Developed with WPI undergraduate students Linh Hoang (CS), Hoang Ngo (CS), and Cuong Nguyen (CS)
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Delayed to Rest - custom interactive performance software for guitar (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms) as part of the composition Delayed to Rest. Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
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Diatonic Complementation - fuzzy logic diatonic harmonization. (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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EAMIR Note* - number-based composition/performance system for autistic populations. Funded through a Meyerson Foundation Grant (2012). (software developed for iOS mobile, Macintosh, and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
*Developed with WPI undergraduate students Paulo Carvalho (ME), and Rayce Stipanovich (ME)
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E006 - ASCII key-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
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KeyViewer - graphical keyboard visualization instructional tool (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Smart IWB - interactive whiteboard-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

E000, E001, E002, E003, E004, and E005 - a collection of six number-based composition/performance systems (part of EAMIR )
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Jamboxx® - wind-controller harmonica-style composition/performance system (software prototype developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Wii® Control - Nintendo® Wii-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Project Website

Guitar EAMIR-o - Guitar Hero® game controller-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Pedalman - footcontroller-based real-time accompaniment composition/performance system (part of EAMIR project) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

P5 - glove-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (developed for Windows platform).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

MouseControl - mouse-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Tiles - pressure-sensitive floor mat-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Slider - touchscreen-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

PadKontrol - Korg® padKontrol-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Sim1: arco - modified violin bow system for real-time accompaniment of monophonic string instruments (created for American String Teacher's Association - ASTA lecture 2008) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Lazy Guy - laser camera tracking-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Monochrome - Wacom® graphics tablet-based composition/performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

DDR - Dance Dance Revolution® game controller-based composition and performance system (part of EAMIR ) (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

V-Bot - real-time progression-based algorithmic composition and performance system (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Communicator - networked stage communication tool aiding real-time improvisation and performance (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published and distributed by Clear Blue Media.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Music Education-oriented Video Games

Programmer, composer, sound design, and creator

Dexterity Now. Music education response-time skill-building game (iOS mobile). Creator. Published by Clear Blue Media.
*Developed with WPI undergraduate students in Humanities & Arts capstone course
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Hidden Music Symbols. Music education music symbol identifiation game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Creator and score composer. Published by Clear Blue Media.
*Developed with WPI undergraduate students in Humanities & Arts capstone course
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Full Scale Attack. 3D music education space-shooter game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Co-creator with Alex Guerra (WPI undergraduate), and score composer. Published by Clear Blue Media & Paradox Games.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Octoplay. 3D music education underwater matching game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Co-creator with Dan Manzo, score composer, and sound designer. Published by Clear Blue Media & Knockout Media.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

2015 —
Sugarpucks: Hide and Squeak. 3D music education listening aural skills game (Macintosh, Windows, and mobile). Creator, and score composer. Published by Clear Blue Media .
View Project Website

2013 —
Before Heaven. Interactive music education role-playing game (Macintosh and Windows). Co-creator with Dan Manzo, score composer, and sound designer. Published by Knockout Media & Clear Blue Media.
View Trailer | View Project Website

Musical Instrument Hardware

Creator, co-inventor

2018 —
T4RS – multichannel guitar output jack, cable, and breakout box for discrete pickup signal transmission; male and female jack designs. Patent issued (filed with WPI); [16,116/176]. Licensed by Fuse Audio.
View Image | View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Research/Data Analysis Software Tools for Cognition, and Theory

Creator and programmer

2020 -
FX Testing Rig - a software-based testing environment to facilitate the development of digital signal processes that can be exported as C/C++ code to microcontrollers.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

2017 -
IMAGS - mobile software instrument and server database used for measuring chronic pain alleviation through self-selected music (software developed for mobile platforms). Used with research sponsored in conjunction with colleagues at Rowan University and the Rowan University Medical School (Manzo, V., Dammers, R., Baily, J., 2018).*
*Developed with WPI undergraduate MQP students (CS)
View Project Website

2013 - 2014
Foundations of Music Technology (FMT) - a multi-unit interactive instructional software utility for learning the foundations of music technology (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published with Foundations of Music Technology (2015) textbook Oxford University Press companion site resources.
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Music Basics* - a multi-unit interactive instructional software utility for music instruction (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
*Developed through a WPI Teaching Innovation Grant (2013)
View Project Website

MIDI Overview Tool - MIDI data-flow pedagogical tool (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) book Oxford University Press companion site resources; later merged with the FMT app (2013).
View Project Website

Insect Attraction Gradual Quantization Model - model used in Bug Music: How Insects Gave Us Rhythm and Noise (Rothenberg, 2013) book publication (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Tonal Hierarchy Perception Models - a suite of three perception research models: ISO226, Fletcher-Munson, Shepard (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press book companion site resources; later merged with the FMT app (2013)
View Project Website

The Ototoner - spontaneous otoacoustic emissions research and therapy tool used in otoacoustic emissions research with Davis Center for Sound Therapy (software developed for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux platforms).
View Demonstration Video | View Project Website

Stimulus Testing Instrument (STI) - video stimulus research tool (software developed for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux platforms). Published with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press book companion site resources.
View Project Website

Audio Utilities - a suite of six apps for hearing, perception, research, and instruction (software developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press book companion site resources; later merged with the FMT app (2013)
View Project Website

Algorithms, Libraries, and Software Development Kits (SDKs)

Creator and programmer

2007 —
EAMIR Software Development Kit - open-source collection of tools for creating interactive music systems (Max/MSP/Jitter) (software toolkit developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published at EAMIR project website eamir.org and with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press companion site resources.
View Demonstration | View Project Website

2006 —
The Modal Object Library - open-source library of algorithms to define modality, harmony, and diatonicism in computer music (Max/MSP/Jitter, LISP, PureData) (software toolkit developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published at Modal Object Library project website vjmanzo.com/mol and with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press companion site resources.
View Demonstration | View Project Website

2006 —
V-Objects - open-source functions for Max/MSP/Jitter related to audio and MIDI processing and manipulation (software toolkit developed for Macintosh and Windows platforms). Published at Modal Object Library project website vjmanzo.com/mol and with Max/MSP/Jitter for Music (2011) Oxford University Press companion site resources.
View Project Website

Music & Multimedia Interaction Technologies

Creator and programmer

Recall Sheets - an interactive software tool for recording analog hardware settings.
View Demonstration Video

2015 —
Max Objects Database - a database for third-party objects used in music programming through Max/MSP/Jitter. Initially created and developed in 2003 by Matthieu Chamagne and Le Quan Ninh, given to the PI in 2015.
*Ported and maintained by WPI undergraduate students Hongbo Fang (CS) & WPI alumn Edison Jimenez (CS)
View Project Website

2007 —
EAMIR.org - forum and web community for sharing music education software tools, source code, and ideas.
View Demonstration Video



Service to Professional Community

Advisory Board Member

2013 —
The College Music Society (CMS), est. 1958
 ο Editorial board of Symposium: the Journal of the College Music Society.
  • Editor of Music business and industry (MBI) component of Symposium (2015 - present)
  • Editorial board member of MBI (2012 - present)
  • Review Committee for Editor of CMS Forums (2016)
 ο Instructional Technologies (IT) Committee (2013 - present)
 ο New and Emerging Technologies Committee (2016 - present)
 ο Organization Member (2008 - present)
View Website

2012 —
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Department of Information Technology, College of Computing Sciences, est. 1881
 ο Advisory Board Member for Dept. of Information of Technology
View Website

2012 —
Association for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI), est. 1996
 ο Program Committee (2012 - 2013)
  • National Conference in Cambridge, MA
 ο Organization Member (2008 - present)
View Website

2010 —
Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME), est. 1996
 ο National Advisory Board Member (2013 - 2019)
 ο TI:ME NJ Chapter Executive Board Member (2009 - 2016)
 ο Music Technology Student Expo (K-12) & Competition co-coordinator (2011 - 2016) | View Expo Video | Video 2
View Website

2010 - 2016
Arco String Ensemble, String Orchestra, est. 2005
 ο Executive Board Member (2010 - 2016)
 ο Head of Recording Production/Engineering (2010 - 2016)
View Website

2007 —
EAMIR, Music Technology Charity Organization, est. 2007
 ο Founder (2007)
 ο Director (2007 - present)
 ο Executive Board Member (2007 - present)
View Website

Invited K-12 Teacher Development Lectures

Lebanon High School, Lebanon, OH. Technology in Music Education.

North Bergen High School, North Bergen, NJ. Technology in High School Band & Choir

North Bergen Middle School, North Bergen, NJ. Technology in Elementary & Middle School Band, Choir, & General Music.

East Brunswick High School, East Brunswick, NJ. Technology Institute for Music Education (TI:ME) NJ Teacher In-service Conference.

Service to Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Service to Campus-wide Community

WPI “Celebration of Philanthropy” Advancement Gala. Faculty presenter with students.

WPI “Beyond These Towers” Campaign Gala. Faculty roundtable participant.

New Faculty Orientation (NFO). Research presentation and panel member.

WPI “Beyond These Towers” Campaign Video. Video profile interviewee.

Accelerate WPI. (Technology Transfer Office, Tech Advisors Network, Foisie School of Business). Faculty advisor.

2014 - 2017
Committee on Academic Operations (CAO). Voting faculty member; secretary 2015 - 2016.

2014 - 2015
Strategic Planning Ignite Team (Pillar 5). Department of Humanities and Arts Representative.

2015 - 2016
Learning Management System: Task Force for the ATC. Faculty representative.

2015 —
Insight: First-year Program. Faculty Advisor.

2014 - 2015
Student Government Association (SGA) Advisory Board. Faculty Advisor.

2013 - 2014
Steering Committee Alumni Gym. Department of Humanities and Arts Inquiry Seminar and Practicum liaison.

Service to Department

2021 - 2022
Class of 1879 Prize Committee. Voting faculty member.

2021 - 2022
Music Division Adjunct Review Committee. Faculty participant.

Pilot program for Insight Advising with e-portfolios. Faculty participant.

Co-led discussion on HUA advising at Department Retreat.

2016 - 2018
WPI London HUA Project Site: Interactive media website repository to showcase London HUA project center student work. Director and advisor.
View Project Website [WPI login required for some access]

2014 - 2018
WPI London HUA Project Center Direction: Faculty and student preparation for off-campus participation.
View Project Website

2014 - 2015
HUA Seminar/Practicum Showcase Website and Faculty Training Session. Ad-hoc committee in Department of Humanities and Arts. Advisor.

2013 - 2014
Steering Committee IMGD. Department of Humanities and Arts and Department of Computer Science. Voting faculty member.

Class of 1879 Prize Committee. Department of Humanities and Arts. Voting faculty member.

International Women's Day event with Prof. Roshanak Bigonah. Ad-hoc committee in Department of Humanities and Arts. Music division representative.

2012 - 2014
Music Technology Lab Coordinator, Faculty co-coordinator with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton. Lab development, maintenance, and coordination with student lab workers for Alden Hall and Riley Hall Music Labs. Department of Humanities and Arts. Coordinated complete lab refresh with data migrated and computers replaced in 2015, 2019.
View Lab Images | View Lab Access Site

2012 - 2015
Co-chair of the Recording Club with Prof. Richard Falco. Faculty club co-advisor.

New Student Orientation contributor. Department of Humanities and Arts. Music division representative.

2012 - 2013
Music technology teaching lab (Alden Hall B30 renovation)/ Riley lab renovation. Faculty co-coordinator with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton.
View Project Images

2012 —
Media Arts Group Innovation Center (MAGIC). Co-director with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton.
View Website

WPI Music Division Initiatives
"The initiatives listed below represent service contributions to the music division at WPI. As shown below, these initiatives are mix of my own creative efforts to promote music at WPI as well as administrative guidance I provide to student music organizations. The websites for the WPI London HUA Project Center (2016) and the WPI Media Project (2013), for example, represent my own initiatives to make the creative and academic efforts of my students more publicly visible. Links to these initiatives are provided within my portfolio included before-and-after images of the Alden Hall B30 computer music lab renovation. "

2017 - 2019
Music technology listening studio (Riley G11B) renovation. Faculty co-coordinator.

2022 -
Music Division Website steering committee. Founding chair and developer.
View Music Division Website

Music Technology Lab Alden B30 Equipment Refresh. Faculty originator. Co-coordinator with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton.

Music Technology Lab Alden B30 Equipment Refresh. Faculty originator. Co-coordinator with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton.

2020 -
WWPI Campus Radio Club [club]. Faculty club advisor.

2017 - 2022
Music technology listening studio (Riley G11B & Riley G11C) renovation. Faculty originator. Submitted motions for digital audio industry leader Dan Foley to serve as a liaison between the music department and potential industry project sponsors through affiliation with the Foisie Innovation Studio.

2017 - 2018
Student Skateboarding Association [club]. Faculty and founding club advisor.

2016 - 2017
Foisie Music Innovator and Entrepreneur in Residence Proposal. Faculty originator. Submitted motions for digital audio industry leader Dan Foley to serve as a liaison between the music department and potential industry project sponsors through affiliation with the Foisie Innovation Studio.

Music Technology Lab Alden B30 Computer Refresh. Faculty originator. Co-coordinator with Prof. Bianchi and Prof. Barton.

2015 - 2018
Cypher: student freestyle rap group [club]. Faculty and founding club advisor.
View Club Website

2015 - 2018
Student Rock Association [club]. Faculty and founding club advisor.
View Club Website

2015 - 2018
Student Recording Club. Faculty club advisor.
View Club Website

2014 - 2015
Music Technology Advisory Board. Serving to facilitate and foster connections between WPI student and faculty research and industry. Co-advisor with Prof. Barton (Music) and Prof. Gerstenfeld (Business).

Music Technology Accelerator. Pilot conducted with two undergraduate IMGD students May 2014.

2013 - 2014
Media Arts Certificate Program. Outreach program developed for continuing professionals. Co-advisor with Prof. Bianchi (Music)
View Project Website

2013 —
WPI Media Project: Interactive media website repository to showcase student course projects. Director and advisor.
View Project Website [WPI login required for some access]

2012 - 2013
Music Technology Teaching Lab (Alden Hall B30 renovation)/ Riley lab renovation. Music faculty advisor and liaison.
View Renovation Images

WPI Invited Guest Lecturer & Special Seminar Organizer
"The events listed here featured me as an invited guest speaker or organizer for an on-campus WPI event for undergraduate and graduate students. "

Beyond the Song: Practical Concepts for Songwriters Coordinated a lecture for undergraduates with the Songwriters of North America (SONA) about music licensing, monetization, and intellectual property. View Flyer

Guitar Pedal Hackathon. Coordinated a pilot for a potentially annual series of events whereby students build audio effects devices with faculty and professional mentorship using resources developed and prepared by the Electric Guitar Innovation Lab. View Project Website

Telefunken Microphones. Coordinated a virtual factory tour for students, faculty, and staff with microphone manufacturers Telefunken.

Women In Guitar-Making Lecture Series. (Public concert). Coordinator of a series of lectures for students featuring invited guests who are both professional musical instrument innovators and women with guest lecturer Rachel Rosenkrantz. View Presentation

AutoDesk. Fusion 360 for Musical Instruments. Coordinated a virtual workshop for students, faculty, and staff with Autodesk education partners Synergis Engineering Design Solutions.

Multichannel Electric Guitar. (Public concert). Hosted and programmed a concert and hands-on interactive component with guest performer Bob Palmieri. View Presentation

Ken Parker: Innovation in Guitar-Making. (Public colloquium). Hosted a lecture by Ken Parker of Ken Parker Archtops and Parker Guitars. View Presentation

Music First: Innovation and Entreprenurship. (Undergraduate colloquium). Hosted a lecture by Jim Frankel of Music First.

Katt-Z Guitar Effects Pedals: Innovation and Entreprenurship. (Undergraduate colloquium) . Hosted a lecture by Jeff Duquette of Katt-Z Pedals.

Non-profits and Social Media: Impacting social change through social media. (Undergraduate colloquium), general student population. Hosted a lecture/workshop and Q&A by Raquel Fernandes of Blondie Marketing group.

Leveraging social media within the music industry. (Undergraduate colloquium), general student population. Hosted a lecture and Q&A by Sigma7 Group.

Immersive Human-computer Interaction. (Graduate course), Prof. Rob Lindeman. Lecture given on interactive music systems for composition and performance.

Music Matters. (Undergraduate colloquium), the WPI Recording Club. Hosted a documentary screening and Q&A with film's directors.

Interactive Music Systems Making. (Undergraduate colloquium), the WPI Recording Club. Lecture given on interactive music systems for composition and performance.

IMGD Game Art Making. (Undergraduate colloquium), Prof. Britt Snyder. Lecture given on music education within game environments.

WPI Faculty Development Workshops and Lectures Participant
"The events listed here show my participation in open faculty development workshops and other voluntary professional development efforts offered by WPI. My presentation at such workshops is indicated herein. "

Research, Discovery and Innovation (ReDI) Annual Symposium presenter

Teaching and Learning Showcase presenter

Accelerate WPI course participant

IGSD Advisors Retreat particpant

Summer Institute for Innovative Teaching participant

IGSD Advisors Retreat participant

Conversations Lecture: "What is Academic and Corporate Development?” participant

Presented at WPI Fall Town Meeting with Alumni Gym Steering Committee

Presented at Tech Advisors Network (TAN) with WPI School of Business

IGSD Advisors Retreat participant

A Better Plan for Software Technology Rights

Morgan Teaching and Learning Open House

CAYUSE: Submitting Your Federal Grant Proposal the Easy Way

Faculty Workshop on the Grant Application Process

Getting Involved in Project Advising

Service to Local Community

Invited Student Education Lectures
"The presentations and lectures listed here were given to K-12 music students about the role of technology in facilitating musicianship. "

Gill St. Bernard's School, Gladstone, NJ. Lecture: “Music Technology & Production”

East Orange STEM Academy,, East Orange, NJ. Lecture: “Programming for multimedia & interactive music”

Gill St. Bernard's School, Gladstone, NJ. Lecture: “Music Technology in Culture”

South Plainfield Middle School, South Plainfield, NJ. Lecture: “Emerging Technologies in Music”

Other Volunteerism and Community Engagement
"I volunteer regularly in a variety of capacities including one-off student mentoring opportunities, performing in music ensembles, audio engineering consulting, and music technology product-testing."

2022 —
Krivit Audio Consulting - audio engineering consulting.
 ο Eventide Audio
  • Music Educator Advisory Group Member (2022 – present)
 ο Bettermaker Audio Mastering
  • Music Educator Advisory Group Member (2022 – present)
 ο Leapwing Audio Plugins
  • Music Educator Advisory Group Member (2022 – present)

Parker Guitars - musical instruments company, est. 1993
 ο Global moderator of Parker Guitars Forum
View Parker Guitars Forum Website

2017 —
Output - instrument synthesis software company, est. 2013
 ο Beta-test team (closed group)
  • Arcade [product] (2018 – 2019)
View Output Website

2017 —
Ableton - digital audio workstation software company, est. 1997
 ο Beta-test team (closed group)
  • Live version 10 (2017 - present)
  • Max for Live (2017 - present)
View Ableton Website

Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair (MSSEF), est. 1949
 ο Student team advisor & mentor

Primeira Igreja Batista de Lingua Portuguesa de NJ, est. 1981
 ο Music Production and Audio Engineer
 ο Audio team training
 ο Music team training

2011 —
Cycling '74 - interactive media software company, est. 1997
 ο Beta-test team (closed group)
  • Max/MSP/Jitter/Gen version 6 (2011 - 2014)
  • Max/MSP/Jitter/Gen version 7 (2014 - 2018)
  • Max/MSP/Jitter/Gen version 8 (2018 - present)
View Cycling '74 Website

Volunteer Recreational Performing Ensembles
2011 —
Second Contact - progressive rock performance collective, est. 2011
 ο Performer (guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist)
 ο Technical Engineer (co-engineer, and co-sound designer)
 ο ~12 public performances each year
View Project Website

1996 - 2013
Clear Blue - alternative rock music performing group
 ο Performer, composer (guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist)
 ο Producer/Technical Engineer (co-engineer, and co-sound designer)
 ο Five studio recordings, ~20 public performances each year
View Project Website

1998 - 2013
City of Hope International Church, est. 1973
 ο Music Director (1998 - 2013)
 ο Composer/arranger (1996 - 2013)
 ο Performer (1996 - 2013)
  • In local services (NJ)
  • Abroad: Philippines (1999), South Africa (2002)
 ο Youth ensemble director (1999 - 2006)
 ο Choir director (2002 - 2005)
 ο Summer music festival organizer (2002 - 2007)